
Magic Guitar with the magical

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Ronnie Finished picking his apples for the day and was comfortably sitting under one of his apple trees plucking away at his guitar.

You see, in those places in America there isn't much to do in a day after the work is done so, when you have something to do that you like to do, it's what you do.
For Ronnie, it was playing guitar.

Ronnie was playing in the sun while the citters of the forest came for a listen. Some squirrels were chittering while some birds chirped.

Something Ronnie liked to do besides playing guitar was exploring. That day, Ronnie went to a local swamp looking for pollywogs and other slimy things.

There, in the muck near some trees was what looked like a guitar. The mud made a big sucking sound as it came out. The guitar itself was weather beaten and it was missing some strings but.. he tried playing it anyways. Despite the fact that the thing was missing strings, it played beautiful music. With each tone, the guitars mouth glowed. Then, from the opening some of the glow dripped out.

It seems that there was still some mud stuck inside the instrument from being in the earth and with the magic of the guitar it imbued the mud with its magical properties. Yes, the guitar was magic but Ronnie didn't know it at the time.

With the special magic, the mud wormed its way into the earth and down through the centre to the other side of the world till it reached India. There the mud squirted out and up onto the sandal of a little girl. The glow disappeared and there, on the girls face grew a smile. For the rest of the day, she smiled, no matter what. With that smile she warmed the hearts of all she passed.

All this happened without Ronnie knowing it. Well, he figured it wasn't pretty looking but it sure made pretty sounds so he'd keep it.

Each day he would play and each time he would play, some mud would drip out, and find it's way to the ground and get spirited away to someone where it made them smile all day.

Well, a month passed and news of the magical smiles crossed the world.

Each recounting the time and date in an attempt to find the source of the smiles that reach worldwide. Well, Our hero was no fool he saw the connection between the smiles and his magical guitar.

As a way to test his theory, he played one day for an hour. He played and played and then waited. Waited and waited. Finally the news told of 20 people who experienced smiles all day long. Well Ronnie was ecstatic! He went to the news offices and he told of magic guitar with the magic mud. Well.. they just looked at him, they looked and stared with indifference and doubt.

"Here, I'll show you" he said.

He played the merriest song he could think of and the golden-lit mud dripped out into the earth. So he waited, he waited and waited in that news office. Finally, the news broke that halfway around the world, only a few hours after playing, more smiles broke out.

Still not sold, he played some more, followed by more waiting. But this time, something miraculous happened, the smiles stayed in the town. They spread to the town's people and the towns people rushed to the news offices and there, Ronnie got a big surprise.

"You see! You see! I done told you it was me!" and there, in front of their very eyes were the shiny happy people with their smiles.

From then on Ronnie played everyday, he made people smile and from that fact his heart smiled bigger than all of them, till the end of his days.
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